Rehearsal schedule.png
Rehearsals are held in the Scout Headquarters building in Talbot Road, Alderley Edge SK9 7HR, just down the road from the Festival Hall (map on left).

There is car parking outside the building but this can be congested at times. There is alternative roadside parking in Devonshire Drive. with the Scout HQ on your left, drive along Talbot Road and take a first left into Moss Lane, then take the first left into Marlborough Avenue and first left into Devonshire Drive. This is a cul-de-sac and there is a very short path at the end that takes you alongside the Scout HQ.

Rehearsal times (schedule on right)
7.45 pm - 10.00 pm, with a 15 minute break.

String parts for Bach Brandenburg 4
Click on the links below to download your part:
Concert and rehearsal schedule 2024-5 for website 1.png